Sponsorship Announcement
We are thrilled to announce the our sponsor for the upcoming 2024 season, in BritCar Endurance and Clio Cup GB
Rygor Autos

Rygor Group is a diverse collection of automotive businesses in the UK primarily focusing on trucks, vans, coaches, passenger cars, body repairs, and coachbuilding. Operating from a total of 17 sites across the UK. Rygor Group manages our four divisions: Rygor Auto, Rygor Plant, Rygor Apex and Rygor Service Solutions.
If you would like more information on promoting your company via professional motorsport please get in touch!
For more information and further queries please email: dfmotorsport22@gmail.com
#rygorauto #cliocupgb #westbournemotorspor t#britcarendurence #barc #motorsport #msv